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Descriptor English:   Psychology, Comparative 
Descriptor Spanish:   psicología comparada 
Descriptor Portuguese:   Psicologia Comparada 
Synonyms English:   Comparative Psychologies
Comparative Psychology
Psychologies, Comparative  
Tree Number:   F04.096.628.629
Definition English:   The branch of psychology concerned with similarities or differences in the behavior of different animal species or of different races or peoples. 
Indexing Annotation English:   SPEC: IM, SPEC qualif; NIM coord, no qualif; do not check COMPARATIVE STUDY for as a field it is not a substitute for a comparison of two or more psychol concepts ( = COMPARATIVE STUDY tag): Manual 18.13.4; DF: PSYCHOL COMPARATIVE
Allowable Qualifiers English:  
CL classification EC economics
ED education ES ethics
HI history IS instrumentation
LJ legislation & jurisprudence MT methods
OG organization & administration ST standards
SN statistics & numerical data TD trends
Record Number:   12024 
Unique Identifier:   D011587 

Occurrence in VHL:
