Search on: MEASLES 
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Descriptor English:   Measles 
Descriptor Spanish:   sarampión 
Descriptor Portuguese:   Sarampo 
Synonyms English:   Rubeola  
Tree Number:   C02.782.580.600.500.500
Definition English:   A highly contagious infectious disease caused by MORBILLIVIRUS, common among children but also seen in the nonimmune of any age, in which the virus enters the respiratory tract via droplet nuclei and multiplies in the epithelial cells, spreading throughout the MONONUCLEAR PHAGOCYTE SYSTEM. 
Indexing Annotation English:   caused by a morbillivirus; do not confuse X ref RUBEOLA with RUBELLA (German measles); French for measles = rougeole (not rubéole which = RUBELLA), Ital for measles = rosolia (not rubeola which = RUBELLA); Span for measles = sarampi (not rubeola which = RUBELLA)
Allowable Qualifiers English:  
BL blood CF cerebrospinal fluid
CI chemically induced CL classification
CO complications CN congenital
DI diagnosis DG diagnostic imaging
DH diet therapy DT drug therapy
EC economics EM embryology
EN enzymology EP epidemiology
EH ethnology ET etiology
GE genetics HI history
IM immunology ME metabolism
MI microbiology MO mortality
NU nursing PS parasitology
PA pathology PP physiopathology
PC prevention & control PX psychology
RT radiotherapy RH rehabilitation
SU surgery TH therapy
TM transmission UR urine
VE veterinary VI virology
Record Number:   8626 
Unique Identifier:   D008457 

Occurrence in VHL:
